Wednesday, February 23, 2011

So, what about Joy??

So, if Joy is clearly not the same as happiness, but something deeper and fuller and less dependent on our circumstances - it seems we can imagine feeling some joy, even in the midst of difficult times...

Joy seems to be connected with several things - First is what we are going for - if what we are shooting for is temporary and short range, we seem to get happiness, but if it is bigger than us and more meaningful than just something we can buy or get (which seem to lose their significance in a short period of time)or some individual person (who can betray us or may not always be around - like kids growing up or marriages failing or friends hurting us) - if it is bigger than this, more lasting than this, then we seem to get joy as we find it.

Second is that joy involves hope - it seems to be attached to the fact that tomorrow may bring all kinds of things, but it is likely that there will be good in it. There may be tons of pain too, but that there will be good working in our lives too.

At More than more - we are learning the really joyful parts of life that most of us would name, if we thought about it for a while, would not be the things we spend most of our time dwelling on, working for, shaping our time around, etc. Rather, we spend most of our time for other things - and then miss most of the joyfulness on a daily basis - this is the shape of our society.

But we are choosing to try to notice the things in life that point us to real joy - that help us find deep meaning and wonder in life - we are choosing to find God in life and that is giving us joy - many times in the midst of the most severe circumstances. We are daring to leave behind the rush around days of American life and instead in the midst of our rushing (we are busy people) we choose to let go of the schedule sometimes and notice the wonder and amazingness of life around us and people around us and savor. We are inviting God into those moments and He is coming into our lives and helping us see what's really important! And this changes everything. Life is still hard, but like one of the folks said the other day, "I have had one of the worst years of my life, but it hasn't seemed as bad as I thought it would have." This is because of God in our lives - He makes all the difference.

So, if you are racing francitcally through life - and feel no joy. If you reach your goal and it seems to wither in your hand, happiness fading. If you have invested and invested in someone and they have become your world and they have betrayed you - realize that there is still hope - it will still be painful, but there is hope and JOY.

We would love to have you join us - we will be hanging out tomorrow 2/24/11 - 6:45-8:00PM McAllister Recreations Center, Lafayette, just off 20th and Schuyler Ave, free child care, as always.

hope to see you there - have a joy filled day...

Sunday, February 20, 2011


While we all seem to agree that joy is hard to define, or even figure out, we had some good talk about it.

It certainly is not the same as happiness. Happiness is nice and good, but short and more surfacy (kinda superficial) comepared to joy.

Joy seems to be deeper inside us - longer lasting - and less dependent on our circumstances. We could be in a great time of our lives or a not so great time of our lives and have joy, but not necessarily happiness.

It seems that joy comes from inside more and happiness from outside more - like joy rises from within us and happiness is something we get done to us or something we achieve or get or buy or have...

What do you think?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


We began this last time together with a question - I will pose it to you...

What is joy??

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Hi - ever wonder what would happen to a snake if you put it in the artic? Or maybe a polar bear in a tropical rain forest?

Well, the answer is easy - they would not do well - they would die out!!

But, have you ever considered that people can live in nearly any place on Earth and survive? There have been people living in the hottest, the wettest, the coldest, the dryest and everything in between. It is pretty amazing!

The reason that we are able to do this is that we humans were made able to adapt to different environments very well! We can adjust our temperatures and heat consumption or preservation. We can think about how to further survive by collecting water or by covering up to keep dry!

But, this is no accident - we were made so amazingly complicated and wonderful by a God who loves us very much and wants us to succeed on this planet!!

Now, i understand that life is full of problems and pain and crises and issues, not to mention bills and frantic paces, hectic schedules and meetings to keep - but in the middle of this i fear we have often lost our joy - our appreciated of the amazingness of life! Let me ask you then to remember, whenever you see or think of a faraway place, a vacation, a getaway, etc, that you were made able to adjust to wherever that place is - and in that moment, just start a conversation with the God who made you that way!! Appreciate how amazing you are and invite Him into the moment - you will not regret it...and the more you do it, the more your life will be released from the prison of our rushing world!

If your life is crazy and lonely - if you are wondering if there's something More to life - we would love to share a couple hours with you - talking about this kind of stuff!!

We will be hanging out at McAllister Recreation Center - just off 20th and Schuyler Ave, Lafayette, 6:45-8:00PM tomorrow night, February 10th. As always, there will be free, excellent child care!

Hope to see you!