I read a sign recently that’s said “Life's a garden, dig it up.” I immediately began to chuckle as I thought to myself how dug up my life currently felt. I tossed around several interpretations which all brought me to the same conclusion – stupid sign. But I just couldn't get it out of my mind. I felt like God must be trying to tell me something but I was puzzled as to what. You reap what you sow…? True but not it. Life is messy but amazing things can come from dirt…? Again true but that was not it.
Whatever it was I knew I was supposed to write about it. I prayed and prayed but nada. I gave up. I decided if He wants me to do something with it He was going to need make it obvious. Then my pastor said something on Sunday that opened the door back up. He talked about getting to a point of desperation to hear Gods word for a message to share, not because my pastor didn’t have anything to say but because he knew it needed to be Gods word not his own. Hmm. Was that what I was doing?? Trying so hard to make sense of it and find a way to turn into clever blog?? Gut punch! I needed to get out of my head and let God into my heart. Funny thing was as soon as I stopped trying to figure it out God made it obvious.
Today I was going to write on my lunch break, however a coworker/friend asked me to join her as she escaped work for lunch. We had a great time just chit chatting about work, life events, pets, friends, etc. She shared how she had just picked a TON of corn and green beans to can. It was a lot of work! I mean a LOT of work. But I noticed something amazing about her. She had more joy for being able to share the veggies then she did about having a TON of yummy food to last her a long time. She was grateful to have a brother who helped her numerous times with car troubles that also accepted corn as even trade. She also shared with friends and family just because she appreciates and loves them. It was beautiful to hear about such a simple act of love. Think about it if you spent your weekend working your butt off would you give your earnings so generously? If you worked all day to build the perfect bench for your garden would you give it away? Reminds me of a dear friend of mine who made my family a pot of chili- not just any chili- really really yummy chili! Chili that probably cooked all day. He was thrilled to be able to take the burden of making a meal for my family off my shoulders. Also reminds me few other amazing individuals I know who work incredibly hard in life yet generously give out of love.
That is what the sign means. Gardens take work. Lots of work. Planting, digging, watering, pulling weeds, picking, etc. Just like life. You can reap great benefits from what you sow. Just like life. But gardening is messy too- bugs, dirt, mud, thistles, rotten veggies. Just like life. Mine particularly feels messy…leaky roof, bills, relationship struggles, etc. Maybe it’s a flooded basement making life messy, or a hornets nest making you want to run for safety. The mess is easy to find. But amazing things can come from the mess – corn, green beans, friendships, laughter, etc. The point is share your garden. Notice others gardens. Help others pick the corn- whether its rebuilding a bedroom or sharing a meal.
Life is a garden- dig it up. Don't get stuck on your perfectly crafted bench- get in the dirt, notice people, work hard, give generously, love just because. Not sure where to start? Join us Thursday July 23rd at 6:45 pm at McAllister Recreation Center just off Schuyler Avenue. You will be surrounded by some of the best gardeners I know.