Friday, November 4, 2016

More than more outreach November 10th - TIME CHANGE!!!

Hey everyone!

At More than more, we believe very much in acting on our different way of viewing life - and this often takes the shape of reaching out into our community.

This Thursday, instead of our usual time at McAllister, we will be meeting at our outreach.

This time we will be helping an older lady get her yard and house ready for winter (sorry to mention it for those of you who hate that word).

Her name is Mary and her address is:


However, there is a major change to our "usual" outreach schedule this time as we will be having any who are able meet at her house at 430PM because of the change of the clocks this weekend and the early sunset!!

We will be planning to wrap up at about 7PM.

There will be inside and outside things to help with and kids are welcome!

We can use rakes and pruning tools and tarps.

Come prepared to work and have lots of fun serving together!!!

Looking forward to seeing you all!