Wednesday, September 18, 2019

next thursday

Hey everyone - we will be hanging out next Thursday, the 26th of Sept from 645-800pm at McAllister, as usual.  It will be a great time and laughter and goodness.
hope to see you there

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Mtm Thursday night, the 12th at McAllister

Hi everyone!
Hope this cloudy Sunday is good for you!

When i consider my life, i realize that i have so super much to be thankful for, and yet, many times, i find myself focusing on the things that aren't going right, the problems, the issues, the fears, the hurts, the wrongs, the insecurities - and before i know it, these are sucking away at my joy.

I hate it.

When i notice the wonder around me, the beauty of the world, the goodness of life and breath, how remarkable the gift of each moment is;  When i notice how amazing a God must be to create all this and to love so much to give such simple wonder;  When i notice how broken i have been and how much healing and good has come to my life; When i notice the bondage of my past and the freedom of my present, i begin to want to dance, to shout, to laugh, to run (except for an old arthritic knee), to share of this wonder of noticing with the people around me.  I begin to touch something More - something other than the usual of this messed up culture we live in.

This is what More than more is all about.

We are tired of the usual more of this world.  We seek after a God of More - we choose to notice - we choose to invite this God of wonder into the everyday moments of our lives and live lives of gratitude, noticing people and sharing of the goodness of life with them.  Daring to risk, to set aside the ease and comfort of our lives to care about someone else - to share of this goodness w them - and we choose to pursue this together, like a family that we choose.

More than more is always fun.  It always has some laughter and some goodness and some noticing.  More than more is always a place to hang w some people who can care about you just because - not because of what they can get from you.

We hope you will join us - there is fee, no requirement, no social class or norm, no age group, no dress code - we will gladly provide care for your kids - and we look forward to hanging out for a bit, hoping to help each other become.

 Thursday, the 12th of September, from 6:45-8:00pm, we will be gathering at McAllister recreation center, just off 20th and Schuyler ave, in Lafayette.  Hope to see you there!