hi Mtm!!
we are so thankful for you all - for the truth of Mtm thru this last year - how noticing our amazing God and living connected w Him and His love and how noticing the people around us, masks and all, has helped us thru the yr!!
we will be gathering tomorrow evening, 3/25, from 645-800pm on zoom (face to face is not far off but not yet) - we look forward to seeing you all and hope you will take some laughs and some encouragement from the time
here is the zoom invitation:
Jason Hendrick is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Morethanmore
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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Meeting ID: 890 6166 2040
Passcode: 737766
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Meeting ID: 890 6166 2040
Passcode: 737766
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