Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Mtm this Thursday, the 21st, at McAllister

 Hi friends

we will be at McAllister this Thursday evening 645-800pm again in the field - we do finish a bit earlier bc of sunset, but we will plan to be outside - so dress warm.

if rain, we can be inside and must be masked, so bring masks in case - 

childcare as usual

look forward to seeing you all 

also, don't forget on the 4th, the next Mtm, we will be having a local outreach and it is looking like we may have an outreach the following one as well - we need all the help we can get for those, so please mark it on your calendars

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Mtm Thurs the 7th of Oct

 Hi friends -I hope, on this rainy fall day, that you are all staying warm and dry.

this Thursday, we will be gathering at McAllister from 645-800pm and we will have childcare available, free, as usual.

but, we are looking at an 80% chance of rain.  We now have permission from McAllister Center to be inside, if we need to be.  So, bring chairs in case it is not rainy and bring masks in case it is.  We are asking that everyone wear masks inside for Mtm, please.  

Also, on November 4th, we will be having an outreach night - we will be moving someone into their new office!!  it will be a great time - we will work, laugh, and enjoy the time together - it will be at the usual time, but be planning ahead for that night, pls.