Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Thankful Night

Well, tonight we had a great time spreading some joy and thankfulness! We went to a local nursing home and then to a fire station down the road to say "Thank you." to some people, like the nurses, kitchen workers and assistants at the nursing home and the firefighters, who rarely ever get thanked for what they do.

It was a joy to share love and kindness with people who were positively stunned that anyone would care about them. Plus, it was lots of fun!

This is what following Christ is all about...caring about people...just because.

If you weren't there, we missed you and will hope to see you in 2 wks (10/16 - see below) at McAllister, 6:45-8:00PM, as usual.

(This took so long to get out because it took me this long to figure out how to attach the picture!)


cjplatt said...

I had some thoughts after last night's meeting. (10/16) We discussed our sense of touch, and how simple, yet amazing it is. Also, how we take it for granted.

It reminded me of some of the simple pleasures in life. In the mornings after I shut off my alarm in the dark, at least one of our dogs will have jumped up in bed to get warm during the night. With out looking I can reach out and touch them, and know which dog it is, based on the feel of their fur. I am usually greeted with a 'kiss'. Nothing wakes you up like dog breath. As simple as this is, it's one of the thinks I look forward to. Thank you God for this simple gift.

Also, Jason mentioned how a simple touch can be so comforting when you're ill or feeling blue. So, I resolve to hug somebody different every day. Of course, I'll hug Melissa every day. It's a simple gesture to say 'I care'. Thanks Jason again for this forum. Here's an e-hug.

Mjens said...

So when my wife agrees wholehearted when you say "nothing wakes you up like dog breath" and we don't have any dogs, what do you suppose she means?

Just kidding - my dog breath is usually awake long before she could identify it!

Seriously though, noticing touch is such an amazing way of celebrating the coolness of our God! He is really so make everything so wonderfully complex...and yet we are able to feel so much just with the sense of our skin!

I only wish followers of Christ did a better job of noticing this kind of awesomeness instead of focusing on all that churches these days seem to focus on! But then again, that's the point of More than more - to show how cool God is!