Saturday, December 6, 2008

12-4 A Seasonal Experience

Hi Everyone!

We had a great time last Thursday night - as we seem to each time we meet. If you weren't able to make it, we missed you and will look forward to seeing you 12/18 at McAllister Center - 6:45-8:00 PM!

We began with some time relaxing and talking about music. We started with the topic "What's your favorite song?" and I was quickly put in my place to be informed that that was impossible for most people, and instead we mostly had a really cool time of laughing and discussing the significance of music in our lives - and yes - I even sang a LITTLE bit. It was not pretty and I had to lock the door to keep people in, but - just kidding - i t was a fun and insightful time.

We then spent some time focusing on the amazingness of God - as usual we try to notice the wonder all around us and this time we put our coats back on and took a short walk into the 10 degree weather. This was quite shocking to some of our lungs - especially those with asthma - sorry - but as we returned to the inside and took some time to really direct our minds to the tingle of the cold as it left our faces and the feel of the sharp air in our noses and lungs when we stepped out and then took some time to remember the first warmth of the sun in those late March days and then tidal wave of heat we feel when we leave the air conditioning in late July and the coolness of the air, warmth of the sun and crunch of the leaves under our feet in October, it was really fun and uplifting, in a world of pain and suffering, many of us dealing with it right now, to remember that there is a God who puts that all in play and is in control of it all. What's more, He wants to be part of our lives - to live with us and love and be loved by us. The hands that shape the seasons hold us - that is worth noticing. Many people may say it is all just an accident - that nature and the seasons and wonder of the world happened by some cosmic cloud and millions of years. But it only takes a second in the shock of the cold in your nose, to begin to realize the amazing complexity of life and our responses in it - to us it seems almost ludicrous that there is not a marvelous creator behind it all!

We then had a couple people share some amazing things that are happening in their own lives. It is humbling and exciting to see some of the things that God is doing in people who are coming to More than more and searching for Him!

We then shared some things in our lives that were serious and a concern to us by writing them on a piece of paper, anonymously or not, and then each chose a paper to talk to God about them over the next 2weeks until we meet again. We like this because we feel it draws us closer together, sharing the pain that each of us experiences, and because it invites God into the problems with us - and if He's big enough to shape the beautiful seasons, He's big enough to help, console, and bring peace to, us in the middle of the crap that we often encounter in life.

Next we had some group discussion time about another of the things that many people "run" after in life. We all agree that people are almost all trying to get "more" of something and that these "mores" don't end up satisfying in the end. In past weeks we have discussed money, pleasure, fitness and health, success and this time we discussed Religion and right living. We spent some time discussing the end point of Religion as something that is most important to people and where it tends to lead - to depression and self degradation, because it is impossible to keep every rule all the time - or to self-righteousness and judgmentalism, because we become convinced that we are keeping all the rules all the time and anyone who isn't is inferior to us. We talked about the fact that, in the end, Religion's pursuit has led to Ethnic Cleansing, Crusades of death, Cults, Terrorism and on and on throughout history - all in the name of "god." This is a massive tragedy and a perversion and distortion and even complete destruction of the wonderful world and the story God wants to write in this world. I have no doubt it grieves Him more than almost anything else that mankind has screwed up over the millenia of our existence.

So, if you find yourself trying to follow all the religious rules and doing your best to meet the demands of Religion, but seem to just get discouraged and frustrated at your inability to do it all, all the time. Or, if you find yourself having thoughts of other people's inferiority to you...thinking "How can do that?" "How can they be that way." Feeling that you have all the answers in your religion, and that others are lame, and mentally putting them down because of it. If either of these is where you live, you need to consider that your pursuit of Religion has blocked your pursuit of the God who the Religion was invented to honor. My advice would be that you being asking Him to bring you to a place where you are relying on Him, talking to Him, growing closer to Him, not to the Religion. You may find that the ideas of the Religion make more sense and are much more peaceful and joyful!

One last thought - If you are one of the people who the pursuit of Religion has harmed because people have judged you - rest assured that love is what God and More than more have for you. We are not perfect by any means, but we are striving to create a non-judgmental place where people can be real and find the true God. We hope to see you this Thursday at 6:45-8:00PM at McAllister Center in Lafayette.,+lafayette,+indiana&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=31.564064,73.828125&ie=UTF8&ll=40.441027,-86.874426&spn=0.007398,0.018024&z=16

We hope to see you there!

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