Saturday, August 8, 2009

Who are we?

Hey! Last Thursday we got together at McAllister, usual time, usual place - and had a great time relaxing and trying to get to a better way to live life.

We started with the Question (thanks Denise): How did each of you come to be a part of More than more? The answers were different - the stories of life different - but they all seemed to share a critical component - relationship. We know each other - sometimes we have met at a bookstore and sometimes at work, some have been friends for a long time and others only known each other a short time - but it seems we all came because there's something in the relationships we have shared that we want to continue. It was cool and humbling to see the remarkable journey we have been on.

Next we spent time noticing how cool and amazing God is by talking about football and nascar. We pretended Jason Blankenship was watching a football game and that Jessica was making him cereal in the other room (she volunteered that she can make cereal - but I happen to know that she makes some fabulous oreo balls and oyster crackers). He was so into the game that when she yelled that his cereal was ready, he didn't even hear her. So, she came closer and said it louder and he still didn't hear, as he was so (pretend) into the game. Now, hasn't this happened to all of us. The guy swears he never heard and the lady says, "Whatever." The thing is, he's telling the truth. The way the brain works is that when our mind is really focused on something the nerve from our ear to our brain doesn't even work - it literally shuts off completely sometimes, depending on how focused we are on something else. This is because of how amazingly we are created. God made our brains and nerves so amazing that if we are focused, we literally "tune out" other stuff. Now, for the football example some people would argue that this is not helpful and can actually be harmful but what about if you were driving in heavy Chicago traffic and some semidriver was about to cut you off and then all of the sudden your kid in the back seat yells that they want some gum. Isn't it a good thing that you really can't hear them? God made us this way for our safety. The amazing thing is that this is so amazingly complex that no one completely understands how it works and yet some people have the nerve (no pun intended) to say that all this complexity comes from a Big Bang and then from a cess pool of stagnant water. I'm sorry, but no matter how many years go by - this is just not as possible as the fact that there is a loving God who made us amazingly. So, the next time you are "ignored" for football or nascar, for Oprah or food network, before you get too frustrated, stop and talk to God for a little bit about how cool He made us - thank Him - no one else loves you more.

Next, we took some time to notice the people around us. We looked at them all for a little, nothing fancy - some probably wondering if they like football or nascar, Oprah or food network - and noticed that they were real people - wonderfully made, each unique...many times we go through life and never really "see" anyone. Then, we notice that they all have issues, problems, things going on in their lives. We give time each time we get together to talk to God about each other. We believe this makes a huge difference in the way our lives go. It does not change everything and make everything perfect, but it does make things better. We offer this chance to share something of our issues with each other by writing it on a slip of paper. This can have our name or not. We then put them all into a hopper and draw one out. Then, simply, over the next 2 wks we will talk to God about that slip, asking Him to please help them out. It is a really cool way for us to help each other and get closer together.

Last, we always try to have at least a little learning. We are beginning a new set of talks this time. They are titled: Who are we? We all experienced how amazing our outreach was a couple weeks ago and now we need to look back at who we are, both when we started and during the outreach week and try to figure what we are really about. So, we will be putting together a list and some discussion about this over the next times we meet. So, we began by going back to our original ideas for the group - before we had even gotten together. We read them together - if you would like a copy, attach your email to this post and I will send you one.
I then simply asked the question, "That is who we were intended to be. Who are we? In light of the time we spent a couple weeks ago reaching out to the community. In light of the reasons why you are all here and why you continue to come. Who are we?" The first answer, and the one we talked about Thursday night was: Giving.
So, I asked, "Before the outreach week, before this group, what were you like in terms of giving?" The responses were tough - "I never gave." "I only gave when it seemed like I was going to get thanked or something back." We tended to give only when there was something in it for us. Next the question, "What is your giving like now?" The answer? "Willing to give even when someone isn't thankful (not necessarily cool with their lack of thankfulness, but willing anyway)" Ready to give even if it costs, a lot. So, where does this change come from? Is it that we try hard to become "good givers?" No, we noticed God for a while, began to invite Him into our worlds, moment by moment throughout our days, then we began to notice people, their needs and hurts - their inability to even know how to thank anyone (especially those who need the most, may have been hurt the most) and the desire to give grew and grew and grew. We see God's love - given to us even when we are not thankful -and it makes us want to give that love to other people. It is an amazing change - like transformers, becoming something more than meets the eye.

Then we listened to a song call I Will Go - by Starfield - here is a link to the words

We then shared some time talking and having some yummy homemade bread (thanks Becky)and juice as we celebrated what God has done for us.

It was a fabulous time! Out of times like these, we are capturing a better way to live life. More than the usual more's that people live for. It is a great time and we hope you can join us next time,

8/20/09 6:45-8:00 PM at McAllister Recreation Center - free, wonderful, childcare as usual!
20th and Schuyler Ave, Lafayette

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