Wednesday, January 20, 2010

More than more for the 21st of January

Hi everyone! We will be having an exciting community outreach night tomorrow night! We do this from time to time - several times per year, in addition to our major community outreaches. This helps us to keep focused on caring for those around us and not just on what is going on in our lives. Plus it gives us a chance to share the exciting news we have that life is not just about the constant push to get more, become more, be more, own more, have more - but can be full of joy and meaning and purpose and life!

These are really cool nights - we always have tons fun!

We will be helping an older, retired couple who are struggling with disabilities in cleaning out their garage so they can get their car into it!

We will meet at McAllister at 6:45 PM and will leave there by 6:55 PM (you will be meeting Kristi Pope) - we will finish most likely around 8:30 or so, but any time you spend with us, you will love and we will love having you!

Hope to see you there!

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