Monday, July 26, 2010

To Review

Hey all! More than more is a group of people, from all walks of life, who gather together every other Thursday night at McAllister Recreation Center - just off 20th and Schuyler Ave - in Lafayette, Indiana, from 6:45-8:00Pm. When we get together, we have a great time laughing, joking, and growing.

Every person who comes to More than more finds people who care about them for who they are, not for what they make or how they dress or how they act or what habits they have. We simply care.

We spend time each time we get together trying to break out of the usual American mindset of get more, become more, be more, buy more, achieve more, drive more, more fun, more sex, more money, more abuse, more, more, more - that so is destroying our country, our city, our neighborhoods, our lives. We believe that there is so much more to live for. The there is More than more.

We do this by noticing the really wonder filled things about life that we all agree are the reasons we actually love to live - like the love of our family and friends and the birth of children and the beauty of nature - and then taking time to celebrate how amazing life is, as it is occurring right under our noses. We give thanks to the God who made it all so wonderful and we ask Him to join us in our lives. Then, we take time to notice how amazing the people are around us, at More the more and in our homes and our workplaces, our neighborhoods and the places we spend our days. Plus we dare to try to notice their pains too. We Americans are a distracted and sad, broken people - we live in pursuit of the next conquest, the next purchase - our debt swallows us - as people and as a country. We do not savor life becuase we never break free to notice life. And, at More than more, when we begin to notice the people around us living this way, we dare to try to do something about it!

Tomorrow, we will be doing something about it! We will be at Community and Family Resource Center - 4th and Fountain St's - Lafayette - there we will be giving shoes to those who need them and medical care and medicines to those who cannot afford them. This is out attempt to let some people know that they are noticed - they matter - and to help someone else begin to break free from the trap of the "more" of American society into the freedom that can be found in the More of having God in life!

At More than more, we are not a church. We are simply a group of people noticing...

We are actually a group of people many of whom have had a hard time finding church appealing, many times because of bad experiences we have had at church or because of things we have felt would make us unacceptable at church - we are plain basic people who enjoy hanging out and having fun together!

We would love to have you join us next time we get together at McAllister - it will be 8/12/10, 6:45-8:00Pm. We always have free, wonderful childcare!

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