Sunday, September 19, 2010

From Last Thursday

Hey! Do you ever get tired of the usual American way - always trying to get ahead, only to find that when you get "ahead" there's not much satisfaction there? Do you feel like there mustbe something More?

This is what we are all about at More than more. We are a group of simple people, no massive organization, no federal funding, just us, trying to find a better way to live this life.

Last time we had a great time talking about, of all things, amusement park rides. It turns out that there are a lot of us that really like them, and a few who don't at all.

Well, we talked most about the really fast rides, like roller coasters and we actually talked about this ride called Disaster Transport, at Cedar Point. This is not just your every day roller coaster, it is completely in the dark! Now, this is totally unacceptable to some of the people in the group, and I must say, it is a big more jerky than your usual roller coaster ride.

Now, here's a question for you: Why is it not something some of the people would want to ride, when they will ride coasters in the light and why is it more jerky than other roller coasters?

The answer is kinda obvious. Even though the roller coaster is going like 60 miles per hours, when we can see, we can anticipate what is coming next and our body naturally compensates for the movements that are coming without even realizing that we are doing it! Literally, our eyes see the upcoming drop, react by telling our brain and our brain tells each muscle group to contract in just the right way to adjust our position and weight so that we react perfectly!

This is amazing! How complex our reactions and yet perfect they are!! Some people would try to convince you that this is all an accident, but let's be real - this is amazing and wonderful and God made us this way!! The amzingness of Him is around us all the time.

So, the next time you go a the fair, or a carnival or to an amusement park, notice now amazing your body and reactions are. Stop in your head just for a second and invite God into the moment. Thank him for how amazing He made you and ask Him to part of your life and your day.

If you begin to live a lifetime of noticing, you can break out of the American trap of empty "get aheads" and on to something More.

If you are curious or want to know more, we would love for you to join us - we meet simply in a community center - the times we share are light and fun and people's lives are changed there!!

Next time will be next Thursday night, 9/23, 6:45-8:00PM, at McAllister Recreation Center, just off 20th and Schuyler Ave, Lafayette. Hope to see you there!

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