Tuesday, October 12, 2010

a night to remember

Last Friday, rather than getting together and hanging out at McAllister, we spent the evening in someone's home who really needed some help. Instead of just talkingabout living life differently, we lived life differently for real.

It was fantastic to work together as a team and reach into the lives of some people who needed someone to give them a break. You may not have noticed, but life seems to give out plenty of bad breaks, not to mention the fact that we sometimes make decisions that bury us. When all this comes together, life can be downright hard.

Friday we spent the evening with a family who has had things really hard lately. We spent the evening working alongside them and it was great to see them encouraged by the help we gave them, but even more by the fact that a bunch of people loved them enough to take their Friday evening to spend with them, doing whatever they could to help.

You see at More than more we believe that there is something More to life than just the usual American way of always trying to just get ahead another step - there is a life that is filled with meaning and purpose and even joy - and we live it out in our day-to-day lives.

We will be back at McAllister again on 10/21, 6:45-8:00PM and we hope to see you there. McAllister is just off 20th and Schuyler Ave in Lafayette. If you are tired of living the get more, become more, achieve more, buy more, lifestyle of this world, come join us - we wold love to show you More.

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