Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The world...in color

Hi everyone! It has been a crazy couple weeks huh? This time of year is filled with franticness, running to and fro, with more appointments than time to complete them all! Sometimes it feels as if the real wonder and joy of all of it is lost in the to and fro.

So, into thw midst of all this, here's something to think about. Take a few seconds and clear your mind of all the clutter - sit down someplace quiet and give me 2minutes. Now, find something that is a color. I don't care what color it is, but preferably one color.

Now, just settle your mind down and look at the color. Allow your mind to wander about that particular color. What does it remind you of? What memories does it conjure in your head? What experiences do you recall? Maybe brown reminds you of the woods and hunting with your father. Maybe red reminds you of your first bike and the ride (and spills) you took on it. Maybe yellow reminds you of your grandmother's lemon poppyseed bread. It may not be all good - maybe black reminds you of a funeral or white of a wedding day full of promises that were never kept. Whatever it is, for a minute let the memory swallow you up a little. I can almost smell fresh baked bread, can almost feel the dampness of the woods in my lungs, can almost see the smiles of my little ones when they learned to ride their bikes...what do you see? What do you hear? What memories run wild in your mind?

Now, let them run their course and then let's come back to 12-28-10. Consider this: All i asked you to do was think about a color and your mind was transported to vivid memories, thoughts, dreams, smells, feelings, emotions, passions. If you really let things run, you might have even had a heightened sense of your senses as you could almost BE where you were in the middle of what you were remembering. Now, consider this: Your brain did that automatically (ok, I prompted it to some degree, but the direction and memories are yours). It took a color and created an amazing scene.

Do you ever stop and notice color and what is does to you? Do you ever stop and consider that the process of going from the sight of the color to being enveloped in a memory is natural and amazing? You see, some people would argue that the development of all the complexities of humanity is an accident - some cosmic mistake made us here! When we consider color and all that it brings about - the remarkable passion inside us, is there any question that we are wonderfully made? And if we are made, there must be a maker. A maker who gives us all these wonderfully complex bodies and minds!

Now, i would like to suggest to you that you notice. That every once in a while you notice color, let you mind wander to what it conjures in your head and then be thankful for how amazing you are. Have a little chat with the God who made you that way. Allow yourself to escape the everyday rat race of American life and invite the One who made you into the moments of your life. This, my friends, is the beginning of freedom; freedom from being always driven to get more, become more, achieve more, be more, always driving, always pushing, always more, more, more. This will destroy us all. Instead, to focus on the wonder and the things in life that really matter - that is a better way; and to invite the One who made the wonder - that is even better!

I hope this encourages you to find More in your life!

If you are intrigued by this way of going about life and would like to hang with some people who are trying to live their lives this way, we would love for you to join us - all are welcome!

We will be hanging out at McAllister Reacreation Center, just off 20th and Schuyler Ave, Lafayette, from 6:45-8:00PM, this Thursday night.

There will, as always, be free and excellent child care for you kids.

Hope to see you there!

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