Friday, August 12, 2011


We had a wonderful time together last night - if you missed it, you really missed out!

We talked about time - take a timer and just watch it for 1minute - go do it now.

Ok - do you feel like you just wasted a minute? Did it seem like a long time to just stand there? Did you question whether that portion of your life should be broken up into things called minutes and seconds? Do we question whether our lives and the happenings around us should be measured in regular predictable amounts?

Do we wonder or question that 24hrs in a day is logical? Like the rotation of the Earth on its axis? Do we wonder if 365 days in a year are logical (i know it is off just a little...), like the time around the sun?

Or do we accept all of these things as the most logical and appropriate things?

Why do we just accept them? Why have people measured time for as long as anyone can remember? Why do all cultures track it to some degree?

BECAUSE it makes sense - the obvious answer is that the period between sunrise of one day and sunrise of the next makes sense - it is orderly and predictable and logical. The world makes sense.

Now, some people would try to get you to believe that the world and everything in it happened by accident - that some chaotic things happened to give rise to all that exists - this is craziness - it only takes one look at something as simple as the time it takes for that timer to tick off 1minute to realize that the world and everything in it was made orderly and amazing!

In fact, the reason all this is so amazingly orderly and structured is that it was made by an amazing God who cared that it not be haphazard. He is wonderful and amazing and so His creation must be!

What does this mean for you?

Well, if God took this much trouble to make time so perfect, do you really thin He has made you only to abandon you? Do you think you are a mistake? NO!! He cares way more for you than your timer! He loves you so much - and He will never abandon you!!

I know it does not make all the trouble in your life go away and does not make everything easy - but life is never easy - the real question is Is it better to go through the hard time with a God who is so amazing or without? The answer seems obvious to me.

So, we spent time noticing God and how amazing He is and then we took time to notice people - all people are amazing - all of them made perfectly the way they were supposed to be - hand chosen for the world. But, they are also all pitifully screwed up - broken - hurting - lives in pieces...We need to notice them - do we dare step outside of our frantic American lifestyles enough to notice the amazing people around us and how much pain and hurt they endure? Do we dare to care about them? Do we dare to invite God into themidst of their problems? To make a difference to them, like someone has to us??? Well, we spend some time each time we get together daring to notice each other and also challenged to step out of our usual lives and into noticing...

finally, we listened to the song One Day Too Late, by Skillet:

try the youtube link

How much of our 60second minutes, 60minute hours, 24 hour days, 365 day years, do we spend do the things we think are the most important? Do we dare waste even a minute??

How will you spend the time you have been given???

Make a change - you may not be able to "love you enemies" tomorrow perfectly or "forgive and forget" perfectly tomorrow, but don't you want to at least be going in the right direction? Giving your life to something that matters with every minute you have? A great place to start is to notice - allow yourself to step out of the usual American way and notice the amzingness of God and the amazingness and brokenness of people!

If this makes sense to you and you want to learn more, feel free to post - and if you want to hang out with some people who are trying to live their lives this way, we would love to have you join us - we will be hanging out again on August 25th, from 6:45-8:00pm at McAllister Recreation Center, just off 20th and Schuyler Ave, Lafayette

hope to see you there

tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...

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