Monday, April 30, 2012

Whar's the big deal about a birthday?

Last More than more we had a fantastic time on an outreach.  What is an outreach?  I'm glad you asked.  At More than more, we believe that life is about More than just the everyday stuff it seems like it is about.  There is much More.  We enjoy learning about this and looking for new ways to change our perspectives on this life every other Thursday night at McAllister Recreation Center, just off 20th and Schuyler Ave, Lafayette, from 6:45-8:00.  In fact we will be there this Thursday night, May 3rd.  As always. there will be cool activities for all age kids.  
But, our usual Thursdays are only a small part of our lives.  We want this idea, this life, to be the way we live all the time, in our homes, in our workplaces, in our schools - we want to be different, wonderfully, joyfully different!
Part of what makes us different is that we just are not content to sit and enjoy our perspective and joy, we are determined to share it with as many people as possible - we are thrilled to be living life better, but we are sad at the fact that there are so many people in the world right around us who do not realize the wonder of life!!

All that to say, our outreach projects are designed to show other people the kind of perspective we are trying to live with every day and that we learn about every other Thursday night. 

So, back to the title of this post - what's the big deal?

Well, did you realize that on the day of your birth, you were a gift to the world?  The God who made you could have chosen any combination of your parents' genetic material and out of all the possibilities, He chose you!!!  You are a gift, to us, to your world!

So many times in our culture we attribute value to people by their financial statement, by the health, by their popularity, by their location, by their race, etc.  Once a person told me they truly believed that a person's actual value only existed if they made certain amounts of money and was "productive."  But that person was wrong (and they made me kinda sick i have to tell you).  You see, all of us have a birthday - all of us are a treasure to the One who created us, amazingly and intricately made, each part of us a masterpiece!  And so many times we miss it - our value comes in our birth - that is a lot to celebrate!

So, at More than more, we love birthdays - not just because we love an excuse to party (even though we do!) - but because we love to celebrate God's creativity and birthdays become an outreach when they become a way for us to share the joy in our lives with someone else and remind them of their value, to us, and to God, by celebrating their birthday!  

This last Thursday we celebrated the birthday of one of our friends, her name is Carla.  We all went over, had a fantastic lavender frosted spice cake (that's her favorite kind!) and the kids painted bird houses - she loves birds.  We gave her gifts, she blew out candles and a good time was had by all!!  

But the best by far was the peaceful joyful face Carla had as the realization sunk deeply into her heart that she mattered, that she was wonderful, that the real gift on her birthday was her, from God to us!  I hope she never forgets, and i hope you don't either.

If this kind of crazy fun sounds like it might be worth a try, please join us Thursday - we do have tons of fun!
Hope to see you there!

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