Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Coaching & Teams, More than more style!

So I'm not a sports smarty and honestly not really even a fan of well...any sport.  Yet I love the concept of a team led by a coach.  And here is what I noticed.  A good team is not created by the coach- but led by the coach.  A good team is not based on the number of wins, but by the attitude of the team.  A good team includes a wide variety of individuals with various skills.  A good coach not only teaches his team physically but emotionally.  A good team is not dependent upon their coach but supported by their coach.  A great team will not collapse in the absence of their leader.  Here is how I know.  Our More than More leader was unable to attend our last meeting due to an unexpected situation.  WOW was he missed, yet the group pulled together and made it happen.  Turns out we are a pretty good team with a darn great coach.  And in my opinion we shared a beautiful example of what More than More is to several newcomers.  A couple of times I heard some of the regulars encourage the newcomers that they would have to return for the full experience because it just was not the same without our leader.  Yet as different as it was from a normal (not sure I can use that word to describe us) Thursday at McAllister it was still us.  We shared the value of relationships that had been built through this group, shared the amazing wonder of how a bunch of strangers became a family, shared individual experiences, shared laughter- lots of laughter, shared some broken pieces of our lives, shared prayers and stories, shared our time just chatting and enjoying each other company.  Made me ask myself " What is More than More?"  And more importantly how do you fully yet simply describe something so amazing.  As I delayed writing this because I could not put it into words- something amazing happened.  Two people defined it for me.
First my pastor:  He told us to imagine a community of people know by these things-love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.  People who love, know peace, generous- just give would be like heaven.  What if we were known by how quick we are to extend compassion.  It would be a lifestyle people would naturally gravitate to.  It's odd-it's different than this life.  It's produced by extraordinary God- not us.  He asked... "What would this look like?"
I just grinned- MORE THAN MORE!!!
Second- one of our own wrote this:  The reason we reach out and love one another the way we do, is we are trying to "simply embrace what the Spirit is doing in us."  When we do that, we won't treat people as remote and unimportant.  We will text, we will we call, we will cook, we will clean, we will baby-sit, we will dive into each other's lives, pain and all.  We don't want to be a Band-Aid to each other, we want to truly help each other heal, live in each other's pains and joys, just as Jesus did with his own disciples.
So what is More than More???  Well there is no exact definition.  To understand you really have to experience it.  Simply- to me- it is love.  Want to see for yourself??????  PLEASE join us Thursday 6-14-12 at 6:45 pm at McAllister Center- 2351 N 20th St.  Fantastic childcare provided for all ages!

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