Saturday, October 6, 2012

Run or be dragged

So, as i previously said, Flo is a great pace dog - sometimes even to an annoying extent.  In that way she reminds me that it is good for all of us to have at least one person around, if not more, who are heading in a good direction and can set the pace for us.

But, there was one time not to long ago that things were quite a bit different than usual on my run with Flo.

It was a hot day, mid 90's and in the middle of the day - apparently i had shut off my alarm that morning and overslept too much to run.

So, Flo and i started out like gang busters as usual; Flo zooming and me following.  But about a mile and a half into the run, Flo started slowing down - now it was hot, i have to admit i was seriously sucking wind too, but Flo was really slowing down.  First, she stopped tugging at the leash.  Then she was barely in front of me.  Then, the unthinkable happened!!!  I passed Flo!!!!  Not only that, but i kept running, maybe even fast, hoping to get home before i collapsed (never looks good for a 40 something guy to collapse on the road - people freak out), and just a few yards later, my arm was yanked backwards, by a dog that was not keeping up with me.  For the rest of the run, i would have to either stop or yank at Flo about every 50 strides, seemingly dragging her home.  She did run a few steps when i yanked on her leash, but then she just slowed right down again, so yank...again.

When we got home, both of us breathing hard, and had some serious rehydrating to do, needless to say!

So, here's the point:

First, even the most consistent, strong, dedicated, fit, pace setters get tired sometimes.  Sometimes the one who is following needs to remind them that they still need to keep going and maybe even yank them along the way a few times.  We all need to have some people who help us along - even the leaders - even the people who are always busy - even the ones who are always involved and caring for someone else - in fact sometimes they don't even see they need a good yank...That's one of the great things about More than more - there are all kinds of people around the group - some are more followers and some more leaders, but none of us considers ourselves to be more important or more significant than anyone else (we always say we are all massively screwed up - makes you want to join us sometime doesn't it?) and we all know we are all responsible to help each other along.  It is a beautiful thing to see people care that much about each other - even if it means being dragged once in a while.

Second, there are times when you are keeping the pace, running hard, trying to get to the end of the run and the person you are running with slows down, dragging you slower in your pace.  At this point you have 3 options: 1) Stop, lay down with your tired co-runner and rest 2) drop the leash and leave them - forget you i'm outta here or 3) keep going, tug on them, remind them that they need to keep going too - know the direction you are going is right and that you can't stop and neither can they.  Slow down a little if you need to, to make sure they are coming, but do your best to keep them with you. 
Sometimes your Flo may even stop, may even turn around - they may give up  If you love them you must tell them of their mistake, but if they just will not come, you may have to go on the rest of the run without them - just make sure they know that they can come back running with you anytime they are ready!!!!

Well, me and my sore muscles are done with this session of Flo stories, but if you are interested in relationships where people are real, no one is more important than anyone else, and where we are all going on the same path toward a much better life than we find in everyday American life, we hope you'll consider joining us October 18th, from 6:45-8:00pm, at McAllister Recreation Center, just off 20th and Schuyler Ave, Lafayette.

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