Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Oh the Rain


Lots of it.

Soggy, squishy, sloppy earth.

Dark clouds
           rumbling thunder
                 flashing lightening.

Dreary indoors, cloudy skies, heavy air.

Typically i like rainy days.  I like the smell of dampness and the feel of the rain on my skin.  I like the sound of the pitter patter on the roof and the look of the mini-splashes each drop makes in the puddles.

But lately my life has been filled with storms.  Too much darkness and not enough light.  Too much pain and not enough joy.  Too much sogginess and not enough warm sunshine.  Too much indoors and not enough outdoors.

And i find, as i try to drag my scraggly butt out of bed on another rainy morning, that i am longing for some light.  I am craving some warmth.  I am dying for some positivity, some joy.

I grapple with the rain, the circumstances of life that weigh, that darken, that cover me.  I fight against them, rage against, wrestle with them.  Never seems to help very much. 

then the idea occurs to me...talk to God - he understands darkness - so i do - i talk, He listens - and the more humbly i come, the more open handed and open hearted to whatever is best for me and those i love, the more the answers come..

But the answer is not always sunshine...

Many, maybe even most, of the times, the rain keeps coming down - the circumstances don't change - there is not suddenly more money, less pain, resolved conflicts, less stress.  Seems the rain keeps falling a lot of the time.

Thing is...

I see it differently.  Instead of musty, it smells sweet.  Instead of drowning, it seems like maybe i should swim.  Instead of mud puddles to run from, i see the perfect place to splash and play.  Instead of destroying my day, i see rejuvenation of plants and birds playing in the puddles.  Instead of pain, i see God changing people's lives.  Instead of lack of money, i see a new focus on all the things money can't buy that are the most important.  Instead of conflicts, i see a chance to forgive & to ask forgiveness and to see trust grow.  Instead of stress, i see God providing what we need and i find myself resting in the simplicity of life that is right in front of me.

So many times seems we go to God hoping, even expecting, that He'll change our circumstances - that our rain will go away - no more pain, no more problems - but seems like maybe the best thing that can happen is that He helps us see what was there all along - to help us notice.

Or, as my sweet Emily has written on her wall:  "Life is less about waiting for the storm clouds to pass than it is learning how to dance in the rain."

So, here's hoping for some sunnier days, but in the meantime, i will be giving all i can to notice the beauty of the rain.

If you are looking for a change in perspective - sick of the "life as usual" American way, we would love to have you join us this Thursday night, April 18th, 6:45-8:00PM, McAllister Recreation Center, just off Schuyler and 20th, Lafayette.  As always there will be free, fantastic activities for all ages.

Hope to see you there - better bring your umbrella!

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