Sunday, December 2, 2018

Thanksgiving and Mtm

Hi everyone!

Hope you are all having a great beginning to your holiday season!

Needless to say, our last Mtm Thursday was not a time together, as it fell on Thanksgiving day - so, I hope you all had turkey and pie and enjoyed the day with other people you love.

But, now that we are in the throws of the holiday season, you might wanna take a break from the crazy and hang out with us a Mtm this Thursday night, December 6th, at McAllister Recreation center - just off 20th and Schuyler Ave, Lafayette.

As always, we will be hanging out from 645-800 PM and will have free, excellent childcare for kids thru 7th grade.  Older kids are welcome to hang out at the recreation center and play and use their facilities, which were made for fun.

Mtm is a great time to relax, laugh, and enjoy some people who care about you not for what you provide to them , but just because you are you.

Each time we gather together, we notice the wonder in this world given by a God who truly loves - seeking to move beyond the more of this and more of that mindset which seems to dominate our world.  And we savor the wonder and brokenness of each other and the people around us by looking for ways to notice people.  It is a good reminder of what life is really about.

Hope that you can join us!

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