Hi everyone! Sorry the blog has been kind of short on entries, but we have been in Matamoros, Mexico for the past week, with limited to no access to internet. It was a wonderful time for our family...we certainly ministered in some of the most desperate circumstances I have ever seen.
Almost 2wks ago, we met at Becky's house and the group just really was cool to her by helping out cleaning up her yard/house. We pulled weeds and trimmed bushes and even washed windows. It was easy to see the gratefulness in her eyes and the sense of God's love in us, as we shared the time with her. We don't do these things out of guilt or because we "should." We do them because we want to show the love of God in some real way to someone who needs it. The thing is, we don't need any special "event" to share God's love with people who need something. All we really have to do is pay attention and be willing to trust that God will provide the words, the time, the peace at the moment, and the opportunity to share. I have the most wonderful joy and peace in my life, through all kinds of dificult circumstances, all from love of God - it's nothing I do to deserve it - anyone can have this. Sharing that love with other people is one of the greatest things about living! If you know God already, ask Him for a chance to share this love today.
This Thursday, we will be back at McAllister Center again - 6:45-8:00PM. It will be a great time of hanging out and enjoying each other and God. You will not find judgmentalism there, only love. You will not find nastiness or self-righteousness. You will find real people who care about you, no matter your race, speech, clothes, habits, past, present, future, finances of lack of them. You need to be there. As always, there will be free childcare, and directions to McAllister Community Center are on previous blogs. We hope to see you there!
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