Friday, September 19, 2008

More of last night

Hi to all!

Last night we had an amazing time of fun and celebrating, of concern and caring, and of learning. It was really cool. There was no fakeness, no false or trumped up images to portray or keep up. There was tons of laughter, and quite a few tears...real people sharing something More than the more we spend most of our time searching for. It was good.

We began by talking about our favorite restaurants - the answers, as I'm sure you can imagine, were pretty wide, but it was nice to remember and enjoy something light and relaxing. If you were there, please add your restaurant and info to the blog, so those of us who want to go to them can remember!

After settling in a little, we took some time to recognize that there is something amazing and wonderful about this world and life that is bigger than us: God. Our worship, which is the word we use to describe this recognizing, was all about taste. No, not taste in clothes or good sense in color coordination, but the sense of taste in your mouth and the memories that come with it and how amazing and wonderful it is to be able to taste so many things - that the sense is made so cool (I'm sorry, but convincing me that it developed as some accident would seem pretty far fetched) - and even more, how many wonderful tastes there are! It is a reminder, as simple as it is, that the world is full of the wonder and awe of God. Unfortunately, if you're like me, you forget this most of the time and live a life consumed with the ordinary. time you taste peanut butter, salt, cane sugar, honey, chocolate, maybe it would be better to really pay attention to the sense and the taste and all it brings to your mind if you settle into it for a little bit and then maybe in your own way, have a moment of thanks and smile about a God who is big enough to make it all and yet loves us enough to make it so wonderful!
After being thankful, we shared stuff that we were going through and enjoyed some time talking to God about it. This, we drew 3 crosses on a dry erase board and then gave everyone the chance to come up and write a picture, a symbol, or whatever to show their need. Then we looked around and really tried to see each other clearly for a minute, with the idea of praying for the concerns written on the board while remembering the faces around the room. By the way, by praying for each other, we believe we involve God in our lives and that this really helps even the hardest times.

After sharing for a little (and as corny as it may sound to some of you, the time of sharing and prayer was really cool), we had one of the people who has been coming to the group share about how God has really been changing his life and some of the people around him. It was cool to hear the realness of God in a real person's life.

Last we had some teaching and then finished with some communion bread brought by Becky Livingston, which was fabulous, celebrating our the love God has for us!

Out teaching was by a guest speaker. She has had major problems in her life, including drug addiction, being lost to her children, and being put in prison. At the end of her searching for control and pleasure in all the drugs, and finding that the promise of happiness and joy in them vanished like smoke in the wind, she cried out to God to either kill her or allow her to go to prison. After landing in prison, she was introduced to the idea that there was a God who loved her very much and she decided that she wanted to live going after His More, rather than hers, which had lead her to such destruction. Recently, she said to me, now married, with a good job and respected by her children, "I never knew I could be so happy." Translation, the happy, the joy, the meaning in life...the satisfaction and truth...the balance and perspective is found in searching for and trying to get closer to Him. This is not religion for the sake of guilt or because we should. This is not religion to seem better or to convince everyone of how good she is. This is the "I've finally found something that makes everything make sense" kind of thing...and it's what this group is all about.

If you find yourself slamming through your days, spending your time not getting what you feel you should out of life. If the things that you shoot for, go after, strive for, and live trying to get do not seem to ever satisfy you, this good woman's story is speaking to you - consider beginning a search for the amazing God, the More, who puts it all in it's right place and can help you say, "I never knew I could be so happy."

Next time we will be doing our community outreach - where we go and do something nice for someone, just because - I will keep you updated with the details!

Here's hoping that you have a "I never knew I could be so happy" kind of day!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Roads and Tires and Air and Stars

You know that I am tired this morning. I am a little discouraged at my inability to do everything as well as as I feel I should, to be all I want to be. My stomach is a little yucky and my head a little fuzzy. My mind is tempted to gravitate toward things that will be a distraction from the concern and pain and frustration I feel inside. Yet, I am certain of Your provision for me...You will provide to me enough money, enough food, enough laughter, enough energy, enough time, enough words, enough peace, etc to live the most wonderful life. AS I look back on the days of my life, You have always been there, providing.
I was reminded of it today as I rode my bike in the neighborhood and wrestled with all this. I rode along on my bike, looking at the ground ahead of me. The streets that we have walked so many times as a family were dark and lit only by the streetlamps and the light on the front of my bike. Round and round the tire went as I prayed to You to re-energize, to re-inspire, to help me with this fatigue that threatens me and my day/life. Flying by under me was the ground, stones and blacktop, dirt and gravel. It seemed boring and apathetic - there was no encouragement in the ground this morning. Then, for an instant I looked up and remembered what was around me. There, spread across the sky, was a tapestry of stars, assaulting my nostrils were the wonderful peaceful scents of the woods, caressing my cheeks was the cool air of the fall morning...all around me the evidence of Your just had to be noticed and appreciated. My heart began to thank and praise You for the wonder of Your world...of the way You have created it and cared for it and the way You have created and cared for me. It was only to notice and allow my mind to move to Your perspective that was lacking in me.
Lord, if I am tempted in my journey today, or any day, to begin only seeing the road and not the world around me, only the revolution of tires and not the awesomeness of the big picture of how You've made me and the circumstances that surround You work them all together, like the stars in the sky, to make my life full of joy and life and productivity and wonder, please help me to "look up" and take in the whole of it all and place in my heart a voice of thankfulness and trust in You.

I hope my heart's prayer from this morning will serve as an encrouagement to you. In one week we will meet again at McAllister Center at 20th and Schuyler in Lafayette, from 6:45-8:00PM. It will be a great time of shifting our focus from roads and tires to stars and air.

Hope to see you there.


Friday, September 5, 2008


Well, last night we met together...this unusual combination of ages and backgrounds that we call More than More. We shared a really awesome time together. It was obvious that the time was more than just a day to day thing. It was a time that went above and beyond the everyday. We would love to see you there next time - 9/18/08 at McAllister Center - 20th and Schuyler ave, Lafayette - 6:45-8:00PM.

We started with a silly time talking about our favorite toys from childhood. These ranged from Gi Joe's to Lincoln Logs to Raggedy Ann dolls (that caught on fire) to Winnie the Pooh's (that got puked on) to Mary Kay make up and others. It was nice, after the busy day, to relax and just enjoy being silly with each other.

Next, as always, we tried to find a way to see the bigness of God and give Him credit, notice Him. We have done this in a wide variety of ways, but last night we each got a lump of play doh and toothpicks and were to either make or draw a picture of something that reminded us of how something amazing in the world around us. We had everything from poopy diapers (reminding us of how everything changes in life when you find out your wife is pregnant with your first child) to footprints of babies (reminding us of how each child and the relationships of each child are so wonderful and complex) to the sun (one reminding us of the seasons and the changing that happens in the world around us and one reminding us that God made the sun - and that some people over the years have even worshipped the sun - and one even with the earth and moon - and a little dog and guy - reminding us of nature all around us) to a Bible (reminding us that someone dear to us has been changed dramatically because of the power of God and the Bible in their lives - someone who we were not sure ever would see) to a smiley face (reminding us of the care of friends and family in times of need) to a heart (reminding us of love, and how amazing it is that we can love people so much) to a thumbprint (reminding us of the uniqueness of all people and how amazing they are...and how much they need to know about More in their lives). It was really a humbling and special time together, celebrating God in our worlds and lives. At the end of it all, we were again reminded that, no matter our perspective, attitude, issues, problems, etc, these things have been around us all the time...the wonder and awesomeness of God in them has been around us all the time - He has been consistent. We just don't always notice. We miss out on the uniqueness and awesomeness of the world around us, of people, or relationships and love, and on and on and on because we do not notice. Our perspective is slanted, warped, by the lifestyle of America and a distraction to run after all the things that we spend our time doing every day. Here is the take home message - Begin talking to God and/or us about this change in what you see and how you go about living. Ask Him to help you begin to notice his amazingness all around you every day. This is beginning to changing your frame of reference, your priorities, your perspective on life. This is the beginning of finding More than more.

Next we had a time of sharing things that were going on in our lives. We shared issues going on and bothering us and prayed for them together. We believe that praying for these things invites God into them with us and eases our pain. It was a good time.

Last we shared communion together over Chris' pumpkin muffins. They were fabulous! We enjoyed them and remembering the celebration of God in our lives.

We talked and relaxed for a little while and then headed home...noticing all the way.

If you were there, glad you came...if you were not, hope you can make it next time.

see you all

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

9/4 - tomorrow

Hi Everyone!

Tomorrow we will be meeting at McAllister, 6:45-8:00PM, see prev blog pages for links to childcare.

We will talking about life and having some fun with a whole new kind of experiencing of God - Hope you all can make it.

see you later

Signs in the Woods

You know that saying that says, “Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me?” How about the one that says “The definition of bring an idiot is making the same mistake over and over?” Well, shame on me because I am an idiot…but let me explain, unless you already know me well – because all of you already know I am an idiot!
We like to pack up and go to Grand Haven, Michigan on Labor Day weekend and visit my Uncle Roger and our “cousins” (which includes his kids and their kids and a variety of others). We play on the beach and at the parks and baseball and soccer and everything fun. Grand Haven is an awesome place. It is situated on the Western side of Michigan, right on Lake Michigan. They seem to cater to outdoor life in this town. There are parks all over and, of course, wonderful beaches. There are cute little outdoor touristy shopping areas (we have decided that all towns with the word “haven” in them must be required to have these shopping strips!). Plus, what may be my favorite, biking trails. This whole town is covered in biking trails. Many are even paved and wide, with little miniature stop signs and everything. It is awesome! I love riding my bike and so whenever we come here we bring all the bikes and we truck all over, all five of us. But, early in the morning, when my family is sleeping off the intense playtime from the day before, I am up and biking by myself. In fact, this has become such a tradition that I have my favorite places to bike many of the places we go and Grand Haven is no exception. There, just up the road from Uncle Roger’s house, is Hofma Preserve. This place has great trails, through the woods and, at one point, across a boardwalk through Potawatomee Bayou (I know I thought Bayou’s were just in Louisiana too – so cool). This is a huge marsh, completely untouched and peaceful. I love to ride a while, then sip coffee while I sit on a bench in the Bayou and pray/write/read and allow the wonder of God’s creation to kind of percolate around my soul and mind. That is what I am doing this morning.
As I said before, I have biked these trails in the past, but was so excited to get on them this weekend. So, I began tearing into the trails yesterday just riding round and round all through the up and down of the hills and turns of the forest. After riding all over for quite a while, I decided that it was getting to be time to head back home and tried to find either one of the two trails that would lead me out of the maze of the forest and to the road home. I couldn’t find either. I kept coming back to the same spots, over and over and over again. The interesting thing was that there are a couple spots on the trails where there are maps on posts that say “You are here,” with a red dot marked on it for me. When I would come to those spots I would stop and check out the map, each time leaving quite certain that I knew the way out. But, each time I biked all over and returned to the map, rather than the road! Finally, frustrated ad hungry, I layed aside one of the cardinal rules of manhood and asked someone, “How do I get out of here?” They quickly pointed the way, I followed their instructions, and was out before I knew it. But, here’s what’s funny…and pitiful: I did the same thing today. I rode around and around and was thoroughly enjoying myself and then, when I decided I wanted to go…I couldn’t seem to find my way out, in spite of the signs. (this is the part where many of you will stop reading and decide to read something not written by an idiot – shame on me – and I am totally ok with that, but for those of you who want to continue on here we go) Finally, exasperated, I stopped and really looked at one of the signs. I looked back at the woods, back at the sign, back at the woods and thought about what those kind people with the black lab had said to me yesterday. Then the moment of truth…I looked down. The sign post was broken at the bottom, completely! It was leaning against a tree! Then I looked at the bottom of the sign post, back at the sign, back at the woods and I realized, whoever knocked the sign over and broke the post did not put the sign in the right place! I had been following this sign and it was not telling me to go the right way – it was not true.
This whole thing really makes me think, especially sitting out here on the bayou this morning. I think there are so many of us who ride the bikes of our lives day and after day after day, week after week after week, year after year riding around through the trails, not even looking at the signs, oblivious to what’s going on. At some point we decide that maybe it’s time to move on a little, get on to something else, something bigger and better than we have yet known. The path is not going where we thought it would, or we are tired and want to get out. So, we check out the signs. We look at all we see around us…we look into ourselves, and we see and hear the signs. They are telling us to make more money, to get more stuff, to become famous, to have more sex with more people, to go back to school and get that degree, to run away to some kind of something that will help you have fun, live the good life, and on and on. So, we try it. We follow the signs and, after riding that path all over the place, the signs lead us back to the same places again. We find ourselves seeing the same territory over and over and always coming back to the same signs. We see the broken relationships and losses and addictions and our own lostness in our selfishness and we mourn our inability to read the signs correctly, yet we don’t know anything else, so we try a different direction on the same sign and just end up in a different kind of loss and pain in the end. We feel like idiots, shameful and lost. What we don’t realize is that the signs are broken. All the routes on the signs are not wrong, they’re just really out of place. All the routes, taken together, in the right way, lead us to God; The Sign. He brings perspective to all the others, the money and the success and the sex and the education and all of it and allows us to finally figure things out. If you are frustrated with the path of your life…if you would like to go a direction that makes more sense and is more meaningful…if you would like to start finding the Sign, begin simply saying “Lord, I want to find the right way, but I don’t know how. Please show me the way,” and let us know too – we want to help.
But there’s a second group of people that this whole “sign” talk seems to point to. This is a group of people who look and look and look for some magical “life plan” that God has for you. You are looking for the 365 days per year manual of what you are to do with your life. You are humming through your days, in the American lifestyle, and yet are frustrated with God because He is not laying the sign out there that tells you where all your future is. This has been me. I have felt a “call” on my life for a long time and have been frustrated at not knowing where I am going. I have zoomed through day after day, doing as near as I could what God wanted me to do, but always feeling like there was something more. Well, it turns out I was right, and I was wrong. You see there was more, yet there wasn’t…and this is not intended to be some kind of weird “riddle me this Batman” thing. The problem wasn’t that I was somehow not doing what God wanted. I was on the right path. I was fulfilling the calling. I just didn’t see it. I didn’t rest and have peace in it. The biggest reason I didn’t is that I didn’t slow down enough to see the Sign clearly, interpret Him accurately, and live life from there. I think that many times Christian people are so wrapped up in the lingo of Christianity and all we say about God’s mission and all that that we forget that the prime mission is to “love God with all you heart, mind, soul and strength” and to “love your neighbor…” We are trying to live for God in our ultra fast paced society and placing our guidelines and societal baggage on God. When all He wants of us is to trust Him, the Sign, today, and to rest in Him, knowing that He will give us our mission, at the pace He chooses. When we slow down enough to do this, we interpret the Sign correctly and we live the call every day. It is an unleashed kind of existence I wish for all of you. If you struggle with not knowing exactly where you are to go for God for the rest of your life, I would humbly suggest, to you and to me, that we begin asking Him to simply be our Sign for the next moment and that He would help us trust Him for all the rest of our future.