Thursday, September 11, 2008

Roads and Tires and Air and Stars

You know that I am tired this morning. I am a little discouraged at my inability to do everything as well as as I feel I should, to be all I want to be. My stomach is a little yucky and my head a little fuzzy. My mind is tempted to gravitate toward things that will be a distraction from the concern and pain and frustration I feel inside. Yet, I am certain of Your provision for me...You will provide to me enough money, enough food, enough laughter, enough energy, enough time, enough words, enough peace, etc to live the most wonderful life. AS I look back on the days of my life, You have always been there, providing.
I was reminded of it today as I rode my bike in the neighborhood and wrestled with all this. I rode along on my bike, looking at the ground ahead of me. The streets that we have walked so many times as a family were dark and lit only by the streetlamps and the light on the front of my bike. Round and round the tire went as I prayed to You to re-energize, to re-inspire, to help me with this fatigue that threatens me and my day/life. Flying by under me was the ground, stones and blacktop, dirt and gravel. It seemed boring and apathetic - there was no encouragement in the ground this morning. Then, for an instant I looked up and remembered what was around me. There, spread across the sky, was a tapestry of stars, assaulting my nostrils were the wonderful peaceful scents of the woods, caressing my cheeks was the cool air of the fall morning...all around me the evidence of Your just had to be noticed and appreciated. My heart began to thank and praise You for the wonder of Your world...of the way You have created it and cared for it and the way You have created and cared for me. It was only to notice and allow my mind to move to Your perspective that was lacking in me.
Lord, if I am tempted in my journey today, or any day, to begin only seeing the road and not the world around me, only the revolution of tires and not the awesomeness of the big picture of how You've made me and the circumstances that surround You work them all together, like the stars in the sky, to make my life full of joy and life and productivity and wonder, please help me to "look up" and take in the whole of it all and place in my heart a voice of thankfulness and trust in You.

I hope my heart's prayer from this morning will serve as an encrouagement to you. In one week we will meet again at McAllister Center at 20th and Schuyler in Lafayette, from 6:45-8:00PM. It will be a great time of shifting our focus from roads and tires to stars and air.

Hope to see you there.


1 comment:

Lisa said...

I think I need to buy a bike! Thank you as always for the reminder to look to God and not my circumstances. There is nothing but fear and anxiety when my focus is on myself and what is going on in my life. But my faith is in God and the truth of His Word, not in the unpredicatbility of my ever-changing life situations. I needed to read this today!