Friday, September 5, 2008


Well, last night we met together...this unusual combination of ages and backgrounds that we call More than More. We shared a really awesome time together. It was obvious that the time was more than just a day to day thing. It was a time that went above and beyond the everyday. We would love to see you there next time - 9/18/08 at McAllister Center - 20th and Schuyler ave, Lafayette - 6:45-8:00PM.

We started with a silly time talking about our favorite toys from childhood. These ranged from Gi Joe's to Lincoln Logs to Raggedy Ann dolls (that caught on fire) to Winnie the Pooh's (that got puked on) to Mary Kay make up and others. It was nice, after the busy day, to relax and just enjoy being silly with each other.

Next, as always, we tried to find a way to see the bigness of God and give Him credit, notice Him. We have done this in a wide variety of ways, but last night we each got a lump of play doh and toothpicks and were to either make or draw a picture of something that reminded us of how something amazing in the world around us. We had everything from poopy diapers (reminding us of how everything changes in life when you find out your wife is pregnant with your first child) to footprints of babies (reminding us of how each child and the relationships of each child are so wonderful and complex) to the sun (one reminding us of the seasons and the changing that happens in the world around us and one reminding us that God made the sun - and that some people over the years have even worshipped the sun - and one even with the earth and moon - and a little dog and guy - reminding us of nature all around us) to a Bible (reminding us that someone dear to us has been changed dramatically because of the power of God and the Bible in their lives - someone who we were not sure ever would see) to a smiley face (reminding us of the care of friends and family in times of need) to a heart (reminding us of love, and how amazing it is that we can love people so much) to a thumbprint (reminding us of the uniqueness of all people and how amazing they are...and how much they need to know about More in their lives). It was really a humbling and special time together, celebrating God in our worlds and lives. At the end of it all, we were again reminded that, no matter our perspective, attitude, issues, problems, etc, these things have been around us all the time...the wonder and awesomeness of God in them has been around us all the time - He has been consistent. We just don't always notice. We miss out on the uniqueness and awesomeness of the world around us, of people, or relationships and love, and on and on and on because we do not notice. Our perspective is slanted, warped, by the lifestyle of America and a distraction to run after all the things that we spend our time doing every day. Here is the take home message - Begin talking to God and/or us about this change in what you see and how you go about living. Ask Him to help you begin to notice his amazingness all around you every day. This is beginning to changing your frame of reference, your priorities, your perspective on life. This is the beginning of finding More than more.

Next we had a time of sharing things that were going on in our lives. We shared issues going on and bothering us and prayed for them together. We believe that praying for these things invites God into them with us and eases our pain. It was a good time.

Last we shared communion together over Chris' pumpkin muffins. They were fabulous! We enjoyed them and remembering the celebration of God in our lives.

We talked and relaxed for a little while and then headed home...noticing all the way.

If you were there, glad you came...if you were not, hope you can make it next time.

see you all

1 comment:

E said...

So sorry we missed last night's meeting! Just want to say I still have my Winnie-the-Pooh bear that I got for my 1st birthday and he still winds up and plays his song. The thought of it brings a smile to my face.

I have been more aware lately of the little 'signs' of God during my day - a praise song that's been stuck in my head playing on the radio, a reference in a book to a Bible verse I've been studying, an opening in a casual conversation to really get to know someone on a deeper level. How beautifully God loves me each day, and how often I miss the little signs!

Thank you for all the hard prayers and effort you put into this group. It really has an effect on my daily life.

P.S. Really bummed I missed out on Play-Doh night! Man I love that stuff! :)