Friday, March 12, 2010

Last time & next time

Hey all! We had a fabulous time last Thursday night, the 4th, at McAllister Center. We spent our time talking about sacrifice. Beginning with noticing how humans naturally are made to sacrifice for others that they love, we noticed that we are amazingly well made and actually made to be caring about other people - even though sometimes we don't do this as well as we'd like to. It is an amzing thing to consider that all except the most evil people in the world sacrifice something naturally for other people sometimes.

We then spent some time noticing each other and the amazing people that are More than more, but also the pain in our lives and the hurts we carry and we talked to God about those things - it is amazing to see the pure acceptance that happens in this group, every other Thursday night, month after month, no matter who walks into the group - they care about them, without agenda!

Then we considered the amazing life of searching for More in God and how sometimes it is hard and even painful to give up of yourself for the love of people and to do the best things with your life, but it is so much better than living in selfishness and the lameness of the usual, get more, achieve more, attain more, buy more of American society.

It was a good time to hang out and enjoy each other and the chance we have to make a difference in the world - we will be extending this to our community on 4/2 at Howarth Center, 18 th and Union St's in Lafayette, when we give out shoes and medical care to those in our community who need them! We would love to have you join us in the group - we will be hanging out again next Thursday, the 18th, 6:45-8:00PM at 20th and Schuyler Ave, Lafayette, McAllister Center - hope to see you there!

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