Wednesday, April 22, 2015

If the Wind worked

If the wind blew away all those hurts and frustrations and issues...

Today I spent the day with people - wonderful people - people I love - serving and listening and guiding and teaching - running and sitting (at the same time it seems like). 

And you know what they love about me?  It is definitely not my wardrobe!!  In fact I barely match at all most days.  It is not my timeliness - check out Meg's post from a couple wks ago!!

Most common thing I hear?  They love my heart - my love for them - my compassion - my listening.

Well, I have to tell you that my nature is not to be compassionate - or to listen well (ask my wife) or even to love..

I have thought about this a lot - because it is a bit mysterious to me how much I have changed (sounds like a Rascal Flatts song) - and it turns out that these traits have come from the wrestling and struggling and the hurts and the frustrations...

Think about it a bit and I will be back soon

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