Monday, October 10, 2011

The intro from last time is too much to miss!

More than more last week was a good time - if you were there, i'm so glad and if you were not, you missed out.

I don't usually restate our introductory/relax and chill out question on the blog - partly because sometimes the answers are a little too personal and partly because sometimes the blog entries are too long...but this time i must:

The intro question was, "Describe what More than more means to you in 1 sentence or less."

The answers were humbling.

"Noticing the amazingness of God and people"
"Seeing life differently"
"Living beyond the usual American way"

These are just a few - i was nearly in tears, as people of all walks of life (one of whom came from lunch break just to be with us and his wife! - thanks Kale) gave voice to the fact that when a group of people begins to notice God and invite Him into their worlds and notice each other and the people around them, both their value and their brokenness - lives are changed. It was cool.

This, if for no other reason, is a reason to join us. Come hang out with us next Thursday night - October 20th - from 6:45-8:00Pm at McAllister Recreation Center. If you are tired of the usual life, a dose of some acceptance and caring and healthy family might be just what you need.

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