Sunday, October 2, 2011

What next for the (dis)illusioned?

So, what is next then for those who are disillusioned - those of us who see the brokenness of the world and particularly in those we thought we would not see it in - and then move on into life, trying to make sense of it all?

Well, as i stated in the last post, we need to begin with involving God in the moments of our lives - this is what More than more is all about - we are looking for something More than the usual in everyday American life. We need to see the wonder of God and have connection with Him in our everyday lives.

But, what does that really look like? What advice to those who struggle with the past and betrayal and know that God exists, but have trouble with connecting/finding Him except in their heartbreak?

Well, consider something amazing, like a life resurrected from the ashes - like we talked about last time we got together for More than more - when we had a conversation with Reuben Bible.

Reuben is a fantastic young man currently in his first year of studies at a Bible College in Indianapolis. But, his life was not always like this...

As Reuben shared, he was raised learning about God and over the years, he began to think that he had a better way - he would work hard and support his family (he never really wanted anything fancy, just to be able to take good care of them) and he would do it his way. Reuben was first a tree climbing lumberjack of some sort - not sure the name, but when offered a chance to move back to the midwest from Florida, they did. Then, he began to work with horses - he broke them, rodeoed them, then trained them, and borded them - about anything to do with horses and all in an attempt to stabilize his family and provide for them - he wanted to just be a good man - all he could be. The thing is, this pursuit became Reuben's "more" - he spent everything he had and all his energy on this and he has suffered multiple fractures from serious incidents with horses over the years - in the last one, he was really no longer able to deal with horses and so he formed his own business and was doing really well - making the most he had made in his whole life until one day he was mowing and he hit a downed tree with the bushhog and it came up and severed all but a small piece of his lower leg.

This has placed this hard-working, stubborn but unbelievably active man, flat on his back for months and months at a time - for most of that time he has been angry at God, frustrated at what he has had to go through - feeling as if he was finally about to make his dreams and now this has to happen. Not to mention that fact the Reuben was told he may never walk again, much less be able to do the heavy type of work he has always done.

But, what Reuben discovered was that at the end of his dreams, was something bigger and better than he had ever realized. He began to talk to God more and more and release his future to God and what he found was that God had something amazing for him. He was finding that people were coming to him and wanting him to help them find God. He felt inadequate for this, but found that God used him anyway and then he began to feel that he was to be going to study and learn - and that's how he ended up at the Bible College he is at now.

But, there was another problem, they did not have the money. Well, through some scholarships that seemed to come out of thin air, Reuben has his entire first year paid for!

At the end of the line, he found More.

So, what do we say to those of us who are disillusioned? Pay attention. Notice. Sometimes God is expressing himself in amazing ways right under our noses. When you notice, ask Him to help with your perspective - to help you see life differently and to be a part of your every day, every moment. I believe you will begin to find relief as soon as you begin noticing...

If you are sick of usual American life of get more, become more, achieve more, etc, we would love to have you join us this Thursday night, October 6th, at McAllister Recreation Center - just off 20th and Schuyler Ave, Lafayette, Indiana, from 6:45-8:00PM - maybe there is something More.

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